CES and Trucking Technology

Have you been keeping tabs on what’s new in trucking technology? If not, don’t panic. At Waller Truck, our team is excited to bring you info about the latest and greatest consumer technologies of this year.

As many of you already know, the Consumer Electronics Show; or CES; is an annual trade show which convenes in Las Vegas, Nevada. Widely celebrated and nationally broadcasted, this event is where the biggest breakthroughs in consumer technology make their initial debut. CES is about much more than just the latest in video game tech and thermostats, however.

In recent years, this event is often the stage for some of the most exciting new automotive technology; and that of course includes commercial truck and trailer tech and gadgets. Some of these features are for safety, some are for comfort, and others are all about efficiency.

If you’re ready for the future of truck driving, read on to learn about the fascinating and useful automotive technologies presented at CES 2018.

Autonomous Trucks for Professional Truck Drivers

Autonomous function has been a major focal point in commercial truck driving technology advancements for several years. At this year’s Consumer Electronics Show there were actually two different, Level 4 Autonomous Trucks. Wondering how this will affect your truck driving job; or what Level 4 means? We’ll explain.

There’s no need to panic about the rumors surrounding ‘driverless’ trucks. There are 5 different levels of autonomy, and we’re just starting to see level 4 emerge. A study completed in 2015 estimated that by the year 2035 there will be roughly 182,000 Level 3 autonomous trucks on the road; which will still require a driver.

A Level 4 truck simply performs safety-critical driving functions and parameters within the vehicle’s Operational Design Domain. This technology is not intended to handle any/all situations and still requires an active driver. As a driver of a Level 4, you will be able to take control of the system at will and drive normally whenever you wish. The current additions of autonomous features are only meant to help relieve stress and make your job that much easier!

Exciting Improvements to LiDAR Sensors

We saw some very exciting advancements in LiDAR technology on the second day of CES. In case you’re wondering, LiDAR is a light detection and ranging technology which uses pulsating beams of light to remotely survey variable distances. Translated, this means that LiDAR is the tech upon which all autonomous truck features are built. The new systems that were revealed this year feature the following advancements-

  • A wider field of vision
  • Improved resolution
  • A more discreet profile when embedded in your truck

The Debut of the E-Palette

In today’s increasingly e-commerce driven society, it stands to reason that new features and new technologies will focus on implementing and maximizing the potential offered by e-commerce to consumers. So it comes as no real surprise that companies are focusing on automated mobility, automated function, etc.

The E-Palette is a fully customizable, next generation battery electric vehicle; or BEV. With the ability to customize your vehicle per haul, you could feasibly transport people in the morning, cargo in the afternoon, and people again in the evening.

The real driving idea behind this technology, however, is the possibility of contracting with some of the major consumer good providers in the U.S. Including but not limited to: Amazon, DiDi, Pizza Hut, Walmart, and Uber.

Hydrogen Fuel-Cell Powered Cab Tractor

This is possibly one of the most exciting technologies that we’ve seen in recent years. The Hydrogen Fuel-Cell Powered Cab Tractor is an innovative system which uses a combination of hydrogen and oxygen to create electricity; which in turn can be used to power your truck now, or stored for later in a lithium battery cell.

This incredible, clean power source emits nothing more than water vapor as waste! Unfortunately, this technology is only ready to handle short hauls and port operations at this time. That’s great news in the trucking industry, however.

With an estimated range of 150 miles before needing an alternative power source and the ability to carry class 8 loads, these Hydrogen Fuel-Cell Powered trucks could make an enormous environmental difference, as well as provide a safe clean ride for our client’s cargo!

What’s Next for Truck Drivers?

Regardless of how you feel about these advancements in technology, important changes to the trucking industry are coming. Understanding these technological applications and processes can make it much more manageable to adjust to these impending changes.

Experts expect to see dramatic changes in the way that truck drivers work over the next 5-10 years; and even beyond that. Most agree, however, that there is no need for drivers to worry over lost jobs, hours, wages, etc. These autonomous automotive wonders still require the touch of a human hand.

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